Love as if You’ve Got No Fear of Getting Hurt

Dogs have this beautiful, reckless way of loving us. They give everything they’ve got, every single day. They don’t worry about whether we’re worthy of it or whether they’ll get hurt. They just love. Unconditionally. Wholeheartedly. It’s not dependent on whether you remembered to give them that treat you promised or how many times you accidentally hit them with the door while trying to get the groceries in. They’re all in—every single time.

That kind of love is something magical. It’s the love that greets you when you come home from a rough day at work. It’s the love that snuggles up beside you when you’re feeling sick. It’s the love that doesn’t ask for anything in return, other than maybe a belly rub and a chance to be near you.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all loved like that? Without fear, without reservation, just all in? We’d probably be a little more open, a little more vulnerable, but a lot more connected.